Once there was a teacher called Ms. E. McFee,

Who was pure electricity!

My students must read!  She would say.

They can and they will.  Every day!

But how will I help them learn?

For Ms. McFee, this was a concern.

Enter another teacher, Ms. N. Paul!

She too, loved her students, one and all.

Learning and teaching must be fun!

If we can do that, the battle is won.

That one thing was her law,

For her, learning must not be a bore.

Ms. McFee and Mrs. Paul,

Who loved their students, one and all,

said, learning must be fun!

If we can do that, the battle is won!

These two teachers worked at a school in the North

Then one happy day, they shared a thought!

We need some great books!

With pictures, stories and signs

And for Infants we must have awesome rhymes!

Can we do it?  You bet we can!

They got super-excited, and started to plan.

They talked and they wrote, they really did work,

Meeting this goal just wasn’t a joke!

Every day, they put pen to paper,

For every level, they must cater!

Then when the stories were all done,

Artwork assembled, poems all spun,

They looked for the best readers under the sun!

And searched for sign language interpreters too,

For only the most wonderful ones would do.

Stories, poems and artwork all spun,

the best readers under the sun,

and sign language interpreters too,

only the most wonderful ones would do.

Nothing but the best!  They did agree,

Then off to the studio, to record each story.

But very soon after, Ms. McFee did say,

What shall we call our books?  Ourselves?  Our theme?

With a smile, Ms. Paul answered, “What is the dream?”

To grow in our students, a love for reading,

To open their minds, to give them the feeling,

That there is nothing at all, that they cannot do,

EN-ABLE BOOKS!  That is our dream come true.

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